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Hello everyone I hope you are doing well and staying safe. No real update on myself as of late. I was up at 2 am unable to sleep so that is why I’m writing this blog, I’m going to hate myself when I sleep until 1 and feel like I wasted a day but it is what it is. Speaking of which; how many of you enjoy fire?

Fire is weird, to some people it’s a light in the darkness and a powerful weapon, to others it’s an unstoppable engine of destruction. Me personally I love fire, but I also respect it. Many people are scared of fire because they have been burned. I love fire because it is what it is and it knows what it is. It Doesn’t try to be anything else. I try to be like this. Forest fires are often regarded as natural disasters, however few people know of the growth and life that follows them due to the ash left behind. Whole forests grow back healthier and bigger due to this. When people are burned do you blame the fire? Not usually. Fire is what fire is. If we try to be what we were created to be we won’t burn. The lord will use us to shed light in darkness, cast out all manner of monsters, ignite the fire in others, and burn away all that doesn’t need to be to reveal what the lord made. We must become like fire and be the fire for the lord. Now don’t mix my words please, we are the fire we are not the source of this fire. This fire will be ignited by the lord, tended by him, fed by him, and ultimately used by him. We must remember who is feeding us wood. A fire that tries to feed itself will either quench itself, or grow beyond control. With fire comes power, and power without restraint is dangerous, like an uncontrolled flame. We must remember fire doesn’t do anything except be fire. We were not created to do anything, that is why we are called human beings. So if you take nothing away from this take this, we were created to be fire and be the lords tool for him to work. We don’t do anything, the lord does, we just are. So remember don’t be on fire for the lord, be his fire.

I ask all of you who read this to share wherever you see fit. The next time will be about lightning. I love you all And will see you next time.

3 responses to “The truth of fire”

  1. Alex, This is so insightful! I actually am sitting beside a fire (controlled and I’m the one feeding it logs of wood) as I read this, so the analogy is very pertinent right now. You’ve given me a LOT to think about. And I sincerely appreciate the warning to not mix your words – a worthy note of caution with any of our own insight that we share with others.

    I’m going to “chew on” your insight here and talk to the Lord about what it looks like to be His fire, not necessarily “on fire” for Him. I think that means a whole lot less of myself and much, much more of Him!

    Praying for your team as you launch to Guatemala this week!
    ~Katie Chandler (Nathan’s Mama)

    P.S. I hope you didn’t hate yourself the next day after you wrote this; sometimes God speaks and works through us most efficiently in the quiet of the night. The time was worthy!

  2. Also, I’m really looking forward to reading your thoughts about lightning….when the Lord leads you to write that one. He may lead you to write other things in the meantime with the launch approaching; I’ll be glad to see your next post whatever the content may be. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Alex, so good to hear from you! What wise words! In the middle of the night is when God reveals the most!! So proud of you and excited to follow your journey. Love, hugz and prayers for you and your squad. Now, get some sleep!! Love, from the Lotz Clan